
You need Anaconda to run osim-rl simulations. Anaconda will create a virtual environment with all the necessary libraries, to avoid conflicts with libraries in your operating system. You can get anaconda from the anaconda website. In the following instructions we assume that Anaconda is successfully installed.

We support Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX (all in 64-bit). To install our simulator, you first need to create a conda environment with the OpenSim package.

On Windows, open a command prompt and type:

conda create -n opensim-rl -c kidzik opensim python=3.6.1
activate opensim-rl

On Linux/OSX, run:

conda create -n opensim-rl -c kidzik opensim python=3.6.1
source activate opensim-rl

These commands will create a virtual environment on your computer with the necessary simulation libraries installed. Next, you need to install our python reinforcement learning environment. Type (on all platforms):

conda install -c conda-forge lapack git
pip install git+https://github.com/stanfordnmbl/osim-rl.git

If the command python -c "import opensim" runs smoothly, you are done! Otherwise, please refer to our FAQ section.

Note that source activate opensim-rl activates the anaconda virtual environment. You need to type it every time you open a new terminal.

Basic usage

To execute 200 iterations of the simulation enter the python interpreter and run the following:

from osim.env import L2RunEnv

env = L2RunEnv(visualize=True)
observation = env.reset()
for i in range(200):
    observation, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())

Random walk

The function env.action_space.sample() returns a random vector for muscle activations, so, in this example, muscles are activated randomly (red indicates an active muscle and blue an inactive muscle).

Clearly with this technique we won’t go too far. See the next section to learn how to control human body!